failCompare 1.2


Source code for this software is publicly accessible on GitHub. The package carries Version 3 GNU General Public License (GPLv3), which guarantees openness of derivative works and forbids proprietization.

1.2 Enhancements

  • Added ability specify initial parameter values for models using the “inits” argument
  • Added functionality for passing arguments to stats::optim() for select models
    • Available for built-in 3-parameter Weibull and models dependent on flexsurv including: 2-parameter Weibull, log-logistic, Gompertz, lognormal, 2-parameter gamma, generalized gamma models
  • Added “shift” argument to fc_pred()
    • The user can obtain survival function predictions with start time for a survival model shifted forward in time

1.2 Bug fixes

  • Fixed typo in fc_fit() documentation and warning message
  • Altered fc_rank() to prevent double printing of output when function not assigned to an object using “<-“ or “=”
  • fc_plot() no longer prints parameter values when run
Release Date