PIT Tag Adult Conversion Rate Methods

Go to Query: Conversion Rate

The DART PIT Tag Adult Returns Conversion Rate queries (based on selections made for Release Basin, Conversion Reach, Species, Run, Rear Type, and Month Range) generates a summary of conversion rates by PIT Tag release site for each detection year possible. The Conversion Rate Report includes all adult detections of the selected population (species, run, rear type, and release basin) at the lower project of the selected conversion reach. The detections reported for the upper project only include detections for the PIT-tagged fish which were observed at lower project. That is, only fish detected at the lower project can be reported as detected at the upper project. Observation numbers are based on the number of unique PIT-tagged fish observed at the project, not on the total number of detections at a project. For example, a PIT-tagged fish detected at both BO1 and BO2 detectors would only be counted once for Bonneville.

Fish Tagged as Adult are excluded from results. Fish categorized by DART as Tagged as Adults based on the criteria: tagging capture method is 'LADDER', 'CREEL', 'GILNET', 'TNGLNT', 'HATCH', 'HATRAK', 'SURVEY', or 'TROLL'; or length at tagging is greater than 300mm.

From the Conversion Rate Report output, you may select from several other report options to examine the data or you may click on a Release Site to view detection details for that particular release site within the year.

Detection Details by Release Site - This report generates detection details and conversion rates for a single year sorted by release site based on the original query selections. The report includes release date, release site, release river km, last juvenile detection, last adult detection dates, reach travel time, and additional detection types and special conditions indicators for individual PIT Tag IDs. In addition, the report includes arithmetic mean travel times (in days), harmonic mean travel times (in days), and conversion rates for fish grouped by release site.

Detection Details by Age - This report generates detection details and conversion rates for a single year for fish grouped by age (determined by the brood year value entered as part of the tagging record in the PTAGIS database) based on the original query selections. The report includes release date, release site, release river km, last juvenile detection, last adult detection dates, reach travel times, and additional detection types and special conditions indicators for individual PIT Tag IDs. In addition, the report includes arithmetic mean travel times (in days), harmonic mean travel times (in days), and conversion rates for fish grouped by age.

Detection Details by Date - This report generates detection details and conversion rates for a single year for fish grouped by the last observation date at the lower project of the conversion reach based on the original query selections. The report includes release date, release site, release river km, last juvenile detection, last adult detection dates, reach travel times, and additional detection types and special conditions indicators for individual PIT Tag IDs. In addition, the report includes arithmetic mean travel times (in days), harmonic mean travel times (in days), and conversion rates for fish grouped by the last observation date.

Additional Detection Types may be selected for inclusion in conversion rate reports.

[UPS] Upstream Detection - Indicates that the results include fish that were detected at an interrogation site upstream from the upper project, but were not detected at the upper project. Detection time must be greater than detection at the lower project. Implemented May 2021.

Special Conditions are tracked in all the conversion rate reports.

[O] Overwinter - Results include fish that overwintered in the reach. We have made this determination based on the detection year for the fish at the upper project being greater than the detection year at the lower project.

[MJ] Minijacks - Results include fish that are determined to be minijacks by DART. This category only applies to Chinook. Minijacks may be excluded from the results through the query option Include Chinook Minijacks. Minijacks criteria: Released and Observed in the same year, except if tagging capture method is 'LADDER' or forklength at tagging is greater than 300 mm (12 inches). Identification of Chinook Minijacks in results and the option to exclude Chinook Minijacks from results implemented March 2011.

[T] Transport - Results include fish that DART has categorized as "likely to have been transported." The DART Transportation Filter categorizes PTAGIS detection events as Transport, Sample or Bypass at Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, and McNary. Categorization is based on the last coil detection location and date within a project; timing and numbers of collection, bypass and transportation from the Smolt Transportation dataset (Fish Passage Center); and any subsequent downstream PIT-tag detections of individual fish. See DART Transportation Filter for further information.

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