Workgroups & Teams

WY2025 Current Conditions for the Salmon Monitoring Team

DCC Operations

graphic Catch Index Knights Landing, Sacramento Trawls, Sacramento Beach Seines (10/1/2024 - 12/31/2024)
Catch Index Knights Landing, Sacramento Trawls, Sacramento Beach Seines (10/1/2024 - 12/31/2024)
Alerts for Environmental Surrogates (Flow and Temperature)
Date Knights Landing RST: Winter Chinook: Catch Index Knights Landing RST: Older Chinook: Catch Index Sacramento Trawls: Older Chinook: Catch Index Sacramento Beach Seines: Older Chinook: Catch Index Alert: Catch Index > 5 Alert: Catch Index 3 < X ≤ 5
2024-10-11     0 0    
2024-10-10 0 0        
2024-10-09 0 0 0 0    
2024-10-08 0 0        
2024-10-07     0 0    
2024-10-04 0 0 0 0    
2024-10-03 0 0        
2024-10-02 0 0 0 0    
2024-10-01 0 0        
0 value indicates sampling occurred. Calculations generated by SacPAS. Data Courtesy of USFWS Lodi and CDFW via StreamNet.

Part 1: DCC operations by Knights Landing or Sacramento Catch Indices (PA 4-56)
Monitoring period: 1 October-30 November
Water quality criteria per D-1641 are met and either the Knights Landing Catch Index or Sacramento Catch Index is greater than 5.0 fish per day (close until both < 3/day)
Water quality criteria per D-1641 are met, either Knights Landing Catch Index or the Sacramento Catch Index are greater than 3.0 fish per day but less than or equal to five fish per day. (closed for 3 days)

Alerts: Deer Creek, Mill Creek, Wilkins Slough, Knights Landing

Daily Average Flow and Temperature Last 7 Days
Date Mill Creek (MLM): mean daily flow (cfs) Mill Creek (MLM): flow percent change Mill Creek (MLM): Alert Deer Creek (DCV): mean daily flow (cfs) Deer Creek (DCV): flow percent change Deer Creek (DCV): Alert Wilkins Slough (WLK): mean daily flow (cfs) Knights Landing RST: water temperature (f) WLK-KNL: Alert
10/14/2024 111.6 -1.5% Flow>95cfs 98.9 0.1% Flow>95cfs 5563.7    
10/13/2024 113.3 4.7% Flow>95cfs 98.8 5.9% Flow>95cfs 5523.9    
10/12/2024 108.3 0.0% Flow>95cfs 93.3 0.5% 5516.0    
10/11/2024 108.2 0.2% Flow>95cfs 92.9 0.5% 5607.7    
10/10/2024 108.1 0.1% Flow>95cfs 92.5 0.3% 5549.0 49.7  
10/9/2024 108.0 0.2% Flow>95cfs 92.2 0.1% 5605.0 50.3  
10/8/2024 107.8 0.1% Flow>95cfs 92.0 0.7% 5686.3 50.6  
Calculations generated by SacPAS. Data Courtesy of CDEC and CDFW via StreamNet.

Monitor Deer Creek and Mill Creek for average daily flow >95 cfs or >50% change from prior day

Monitor for both conditions: Wilkins Slough average daily flow >7500 cfs and Knights Landing temperature <56.3F

Juvenile Sampling

Juvenile Sampling Summary for 10/08/2024-10/14/2024 (last 7 days) and 10/01/2024-10/07/2024 (previous 7 days)

Juvenile Sampling Summary for 10/08/2024-10/14/2024 (last 7 days) and 10/01/2024-10/07/2024 (previous 7 days)
Date RangeData ItemButte Creek Diversion and RSTTisdale Weir RSTKnights Landing RSTLower Feather River RSTLower Sacramento River RSTSacramento Trawls (@ Sherwood Harbor)Sacramento Beach SeinesChipps Island TrawlsMossdale Trawls
Date RangeData ItemButte Creek Diversion and RSTTisdale Weir RSTKnights Landing RSTLower Feather River RSTLower Sacramento River RSTSacramento Trawls (@ Sherwood Harbor)Sacramento Beach SeinesChipps Island TrawlsMossdale Trawls
10/08/2024-10/14/2024Min Sample Date2024-10-082024-10-082024-10-092024-10-092024-10-102024-10-09
10/08/2024-10/14/2024Max Sample Date2024-10-132024-10-102024-10-112024-10-112024-10-112024-10-11
10/08/2024-10/14/2024Days with Sampling630200
10/08/2024-10/14/2024Fall Chinook000000
10/08/2024-10/14/2024Spring Chinook000000
10/08/2024-10/14/2024Winter Chinook100000
10/08/2024-10/14/2024LateFall Chinook000000
10/08/2024-10/14/2024Chinook (ad-clip)000000
10/08/2024-10/14/2024Steelhead (natural)000000
10/08/2024-10/14/2024Steelhead (ad-clip)000000
10/08/2024-10/14/2024Avg Flow (cfs)95.55514.95578.84495.712356.012356.04191.41562.6
10/08/2024-10/14/2024Avg Water Temp (F)
10/08/2024-10/14/2024Avg Turbidity (NTU)5.46.9
10/01/2024-10/07/2024Min Sample Date2024-10-012024-10-012024-10-022024-10-022024-10-022024-10-02
10/01/2024-10/07/2024Max Sample Date2024-10-072024-10-042024-10-072024-10-072024-10-042024-10-07
10/01/2024-10/07/2024Days with Sampling740300
10/01/2024-10/07/2024Fall Chinook000010
10/01/2024-10/07/2024Spring Chinook000000
10/01/2024-10/07/2024Winter Chinook000000
10/01/2024-10/07/2024LateFall Chinook000000
10/01/2024-10/07/2024Chinook (ad-clip)000000
10/01/2024-10/07/2024Steelhead (natural)000000
10/01/2024-10/07/2024Steelhead (ad-clip)000000
10/01/2024-10/07/2024Avg Flow (cfs)94.36174.06170.06822.815992.715992.76565.31263.0
10/01/2024-10/07/2024Avg Water Temp (F)17.750.365.965.968.672.0
10/01/2024-10/07/2024Avg Turbidity (NTU)5.26.7
source of Avg Flow (cfs)Butte Creek nr Chico (BCK)Colousa (COL)Wilkins Slough (WLK)Boyd's Landing (FSB)Verona (VON)Freeport (FPT)Freeport (FPT)Delta OutFlow (DTO)Vernalis (VNS)
source of Avg Water Temp (F)Butte CreekTisdale WeirKnights LandingLower Feather RiverLower Sacramento RiverHood (SRH)Hood (SRH)Chipps Island TrawlsVernalis (VNS)
source of Avg Turbidity (NTU)Butte CreekTisdale WeirKnights LandingLower Feather RiverLower Sacramento RiverSacramento TrawlsSacramento TrawlsChipps Island TrawlsMossdale Trawls
  • Butte Creek Diversion and RST: Preliminary data from CDFW via CalFish; subject to revision.
  • Tisdale Weir RST: Preliminary data from CDFW via CalFish and CDEC; subject to revision.
  • Knights Landing RST: Preliminary data from CDFW via CalFish and CDEC; subject to revision. Turbidity is a discrete measure. KNL measured in FTU which should be roughly equivalent to NTU.
  • Lower Feather River RST: Preliminary data from CDFW via CalFish; subject to revision.
  • Lower Sacramento River RST: Preliminary data from CDFW via CalFish; subject to revision.
  • Sacramento Trawls (@ Sherwood Harbor): Preliminary data from USFWS Lodi and CDEC; subject to revision.
  • Sacramento Beach Seines: Preliminary data from USFWS Lodi and CDEC; subject to revision.
  • Chipps Island Trawls: Preliminary data from USFWS Lodi and CDEC; subject to revision.
  • Mossdale Trawls: Preliminary data from USFWS Lodi and CDEC; subject to revision.
  • Averages: calculated for all non-null data points within the 7 day reporting period.

Historical Migration Pattern for "Today"

Average Percent by 10/14, with 95%CI, of annual emigrating population for juveniles of each species of interest (based on LAD) captured at the following locations and salvaged at SWP and CVP Delta facilities
Species Red Bluff Diversion Dam Tisdale RST Knights Landing RST Sac Trawl (Sherwood) Catch Index Chipps Island Trawl Catch Index Salvage
Chinook, Winter-run, Unclipped 59.6%
BY: 2014 - 2023
BY: 2014 - 2023
BY: 2014 - 2023
BY: 2014 - 2023
BY: 2014 - 2023
WY: 2015 - 2024
Chinook, Spring-run, Unclipped   0.0%
BY: 2014 - 2023
BY: 2014 - 2023
BY: 2014 - 2023
BY: 2014 - 2023
WY: 2015 - 2024
Steelhead, Unclipped (January-December)            
Steelhead, Unclipped (December-March)            
Steelhead, Unclipped (April-June)            
Calculations generated by SacPAS Migration Timing and Conditions by Cohort and Salvage Timing. Data Courtesy of USFWS, Red Bluff; CDFW via StreamNet and CDEC; USFWS, Lodi.

Species Distribution Estimates

Estimates presented during weekly meetings. Submitted by BOR to SacPAS after weekly meetings for generation of plots.

graph natural young of year yoy winter-run Chinook salmon distribution estimates
Natural Young of Year winter-run Chinook salmon distribution estimates
graph  natural young of year yoy spring-run Chinook salmon distribution estimates
Natural Young of Year spring-run Chinook salmon distribution estimates
graph  natural origin steelhead distribution estimates
Natural origin steelhead distribution estimates

Delta STARS Estimates

Current estimates generated by the Delta STARS tool. STARS Predicted Survival, Travel-Time and Routing for Late-Fall Run and Winter Run Chinook. Delta STARS developed by USGS Quantitative Fisheries Ecology Section and deployed by SacPAS.

Delta STARS Survival and Routing Estimates
StockDateRouteParameterEstimateLower 80% Credible LimitUpper 80% Credible Limit
Winter Chinook2024-10-14OverallMedian Travel Time6.61786.30517.2315
Winter Chinook2024-10-14OverallSurvival0.0108520.00104280.025688
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Sacramento RiverMedian Travel Time6.13767
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Sacramento RiverRouting Probability0.584420.542680.62579
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Sacramento RiverSurvival0.00980566.1582e-40.023401
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Yolo BypassMedian Travel Time10.145911
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Yolo BypassRouting Probability000
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Yolo BypassSurvival0.3870.0778890.69547
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Sutter SloughMedian Travel Time6.23367
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Sutter SloughRouting Probability0.13720.111030.16374
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Sutter SloughSurvival0.0229930.00189930.053885
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Steamboat SloughMedian Travel Time5.97556
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Steamboat SloughRouting Probability0.145460.118880.17162
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Steamboat SloughSurvival0.0103565.0445e-40.025641
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Interior DeltaMedian Travel Time9.826911
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Interior DeltaRouting Probability0.132910.103510.16394
Winter Chinook2024-10-14Interior DeltaSurvival0.00379161.0202e-40.0090647
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14OverallMedian Travel Time12.2829.344216.821
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14OverallSurvival0.3970.296670.49735
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14Delta Cross ChannelMedian Travel TimeNANANA
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14Delta Cross ChannelRouting Probability000
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14Delta Cross ChannelSurvivalNANANA
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14Georgiana SloughMedian Travel Time17.26511.57325.052
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14Georgiana SloughRouting Probability0.27550.2180.3921
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14Georgiana SloughSurvival0.184090.0777110.34103
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14Sacramento RiverMedian Travel Time10.5387.554515.513
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14Sacramento RiverRouting Probability0.4580.34890.519
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14Sacramento RiverSurvival0.53020.389360.64299
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14Sutter and Steamboat SloughMedian Travel Time10.9667.899616.142
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14Sutter and Steamboat SloughRouting Probability0.2650.2360.294
Late-fall Chinook2024-10-14Sutter and Steamboat SloughSurvival0.406930.236330.56685

Loss&Salvage Predictor Estimates

Current estimates generated by the Loss and Salvage Predictor tool. Predicts loss and/or salvage of endangered steelhead and winter run Chinook salmon at the CVP and SWP pumping facilities at the southern end of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Available Decemer to mid-June.

Single-Year Loss Thresholds

Single-Year Loss Thresholds (PA 4-69)

In each year, typically January/February, Reclamation and DWR propose to avoid exceeding an annual loss threshold equal to 90% of the greatest annual loss that occurred in the historical record 2010-2018 for each of:

  • Natural Winter-Run Chinook Salmon (loss= 1.17% of JPE)
  • Natural Central Valley Steelhead from December through March (loss = 1,414)
  • Natural Central Valley Steelhead from April through June 15 (loss = 1,552)
(More information on PA 4-70)

Loss Summary Table

WY2025 Unclipped Chinook and Steelhead Loss Summary
WYData ItemWinter-run Chinook : 10/1-6/30Natural Steelhead : 12/1-3/31Natural Steelhead : 4/1-6/15
WY2025Loss Total Last 1-7 days (10/08/2024-10/14/2024)000
WY2025Loss Total Last 8-14 days (10/01/2024-10/07/2024)000
WY2025Cumulative Loss Total000

Natural Winter-Run Chinook Salmon Loss Figures

graph loss Natural Winter-Run Chinook Salmon
Natural LAD Winter-Run Chinook Salmon Loss Cumulative to Date with Single Year Loss Thresholds
graph loss Natural Winter-Run Chinook Salmon with WY2009-2018 history
Natural LAD Winter-Run Chinook Salmon Loss Cumulative to Date with WY2009-2018 history and Single Year Loss Thresholds
graph loss Natural Winter-Run Chinook Salmon with WY2009-2018 history
Natural LAD Winter-Run Chinook Salmon Loss Cumulative to Date with historical years and Single Year Loss Thresholds

Natural Central Valley Steelhead Loss Figures

graph Natural Central Valley Steelhead with WY2009-2018 history
Natural Central Valley Steelhead Loss Cumulative to Date with Historical Loss and Single Year Loss Thresholds
graph loss Natural Central Valley Steelhead from December through March with WY2009-2018 history
Natural Central Valley Steelhead Loss Cumulative to Date for December 1 through March 31 with Historical Loss and Single Year Loss Thresholds
graph loss Natural Central Valley Steelhead from April through June 15 with WY2009-2018 history
Natural Central Valley Steelhead Loss Cumulative to Date for April 1 throught June 15 with Historical Loss and Single Year Loss Thresholds

Daily Loss Table

WY2025 Unclipped Chinook and Steelhead Loss Daily
WYDateWinter-run Chinook : 10/1-6/30 : Daily LossWinter-run Chinook : 10/1-6/30 : Cum LossNatural Steelhead : 12/1-3/31 : Daily LossNatural Steelhead : 12/1-3/31 : Cum LossNatural Steelhead : 4/1-6/15 : Daily LossNatural Steelhead : 4/1-6/15 : Cum Loss
WYDateWinter-run Chinook : 10/1-6/30 : Daily LossWinter-run Chinook : 10/1-6/30 : Cum LossNatural Steelhead : 12/1-3/31 : Daily LossNatural Steelhead : 12/1-3/31 : Cum LossNatural Steelhead : 4/1-6/15 : Daily LossNatural Steelhead : 4/1-6/15 : Cum Loss
Data Notes

Content on this page is updated daily during the monitoring season and includes the most up-to-date datasets contained in the SacPAS database. Juvenile monitoring and salvage data are updated as made available publicly.

  1. 2019 Biological Opinions, USBR includes link to "Chapter 4 Proposed Action" PDF
  2. Water condtions data courtesy of CDEC.
  3. Knights Landing RST and Tisdale RST data courtesy of CDFW via StreamNet.
    • The Knights Landing RST: uses Frank Fisher length-at-date model to categorize Chinook into "older" and "fry/smolt".
  4. Sacramento Trawls, Sacramento Beach Seines, Chipps Island Trawls, and Mossdale Trawls sampling data courtesy of USFWS Lodi weekly.
    • Sacramento Beach Seines: Verona, Elkhorn, Sand Cove, Miller Park, Sherwood Harbor, Discovery Park, American River, Garcia Bend.
    • 30 November 2020: Sampling at Mossdale Trawls stopped; sampling at the sites deemed "non-essential" during COVID-19 response.
  5. Salvage data courtesy of Fish Salvage Monitoring, CDFW Bay Delta Region
    • Salvage Database,
    • We use loss estimation methods as detailed in "Chinook Salmon Loss Estimation for Skinner Delta Fish Protective Facility and Tracy Fish Collection Facility, 7/9/2018"
SacPAS Related Queries and Tools: