DART PIT Tag Adult Reach Distribution and Delay Overview

The DART PIT Tag Adult Reach Distribution and Delay analysis presents daily departure-date cohort calculations to help elucidate the more numerous visual count adult population movement patterns. Actual pre-season and in-season management decision processes are complex employing multiple sources of observed data, models, and forecasts.


On a daily basis, the DART database loads current PTAGIS, Smolt Index, River Conditions, and Adult Visual Counts datasets from primary sources.

Three populations based on release attributes are tracked separately for analysis.

  1. Spring/Summer Chinook, juveniles released at/above Lower Granite, includes Unknown-run tagged at Lower Granite in April and May in same year as release. Tracked for spring spill period at Snake River dams, April 3 - June 20 and adult visual counts spring/summer run dates, April - August.
  2. Spring/Summer Chinook, juveniles released at/above McNary. Tracked for spring spill period at mainstem Columbia River dams, April 10 - June 15.
  3. Fall Chinook, juveniles released at/above Lower Granite, includes Unknown-run tagged at Lower Granite after June in same year as release and Unknown-run tagged by coord_id "WPC". Tracked adult visual count fall run dates, August - November.

For each unique Tag Id detected at the lower project as life stage adult, individual coil detections are examined to establish movement maps through the ladders and determine departure dates (may be more than one). Tag Ids are grouped by departure date into a daily cohort and each departure-date cohort is tracked separately for reach travel time, conversion rate, and arrival. Fallback, delay, wander, harvest, and/or mortality may result in <100% daily cohort conversion rate; fallback, wander, harvest and mortality are not included in these analyses. The PIT Tag population as a whole is tracked by unique Tag Id for YTD calculations of harmonic mean reach travel time and conversion rate.

On a date-specific basis, a unique population departing the lower project is established. Ascent events are not restricted to calendar date. This date-specific unique population is tracked to determine cumulative arrival percent at the upper project, harmonic mean TT, and conversion rate. A history of more than 1 ascent event for a TagID is tracked. This may impact arrival success and travel time.

Additional notes:

  • Adult Visual Counts presented are the daily sum of adult and jack counts.
  • Analysis for the year may be incomplete if viewing current calendar year results. YTD and Daily statistics may change and update as the year progresses.
  • Running 3 Day calculations requires a minimum 7 fish departing during each 3 day period.
  • Upper Project 50% Entry Hour requires a minimum 5 fish arriving on each date.


Potential Delay alerts and shading of table cells are based on criteria set by population and reach. Potential Delay Alert: Cumulative Arrival Percent is less than criteria setting by "Average" calendar days after departure to Arrive.

Criteria used in Daily and Running 3 Day Cohort Analysis of Reach Distribution and Travel Time.

Alert Criteria for Spring/Summer Chinook, juveniles released at/above Lower Granite, includes Unknown-run tagged at LWG in April and May in same year as release
Lower Project Upper Project Date Range Number of Reaches Conversion Rate Cumulative Arrival Percent "Average" calendar days after departure to Arrive
Bonneville Lower Granite 4/3-6/20 7 65% 40% 15
Bonneville McNary 4/3-6/20 3 70% 40% 7
Bonneville The Dalles 4/3-6/20 1 80% 45% 3
The Dalles McNary 4/3-6/20 2 80% 45% 4
The Dalles John Day 4/3-6/20 1 80% 45% 2
John Day McNary 4/3-6/20 1 85% 50% 3
Ice Harbor Lower Granite 4/3-6/20 3 85% 50% 6
Ice Harbor Little Goose 4/3-6/20 2 85% 50% 4
Ice Harbor Lower Monumental 4/3-6/20 1 85% 50% 2
Lower Monumental Lower Granite 4/3-6/20 2 85% 50% 4
Lower Monumental Little Goose 4/3-6/20 1 85% 50% 2
Little Goose Lower Granite 4/3-6/20 1 85% 50% 2


Running 3 Day Travel Days and Run Size

Top: Daily analysis is smoothed by creating running 3-day calculations. The stacked Running 3 Day plot shows the cumulative arrival percent by days to arrive for each 3-day departure cohort.

  • Potential delay conditions are highlighted by filled gray dots; the criteria for potential delay is that the Cumulative Arrival Percent of the 3-day cohort is less than the arrival percent criterion value by the "Average" travel days. The average travel days and arrival percent criterion are based on historical observations for each reach and population.
  • The orange triangles represent the cumulative arrival percent by the "Average" travel day.
  • Cumulative arrival percent for one day prior (blue stars) and one day after (purple diamonds) the average are presented for boundaries around the average day; the boundary days can highlight movement trends for the cohort.
  • The gray pentagons represent the slow and final arrival percent which accumulates over the calendar year (conversion rate). Slow is defined as 5 or more days after "Average".

Middle: Percent of fish ‘In Route‘ for each running 3-day cohort; complementary/inverse plot to the arrival YTD% (conversion rate) presented in top plot. Percent ‘In Route‘ is reported immediately for the cohort. Note: Delay, fallback, wander, harvest, and mortality can all contribute to YTD Conversion Rate never reaching 100% and Percent 'In Route' never reaching 0%.

Bottom: Running 3-day PIT Tag departures plotted with running 3-day Adult Visual Counts for visual comparison of reach entry of the two data types.

example Running 3 Day Travel Days and Run Size graph

Daily YTD Conversion Rate

Daily Year-to-Date (YTD) Conversion Rate for Adult PIT Tag and Adult Visual Count datasets. Visual comparison of trends between the two datasets. For each calendar day, the YTD Conversion Rate is calculated based on cumulative number of fish to date at the lower project and the cumulative number of fish to date at the upper project. There is no adjustment for travel time or harvest in these calculations.

Daily YTD Conversion Rate = cumulative total fish at upper to date / cumulative total fish at lower to date

example Daily Year-to-Date (YTD) Conversion Rate graph

Daily Reach Travel Time

Adult PIT Tag Daily Reach Travel Time with Harmonic Mean Reach Travel Time for cohorts grouped by lower project departure date.

Harmonic Mean Travel Time = number of unique fish detected at the detection site / ( (1/reach travel time) )

When dealing with travel times, we are primarily interested in the speed with which fish travel from point A to point B. The harmonic mean is a good statistic for describing a particular group's speed. A harmonic mean is used when working with rates of speed, usually the number of days to travel a set distance. A benefit to using the harmonic mean is that it is more robust in the presence of outliers (i.e., a very fast or slow fish).

YTD Harmonic Mean Travel Time and Historical Average Reach Travel Time are presented as well.

example Daily Reach Travel Time graph

Daily Conversion Rate

Daily Conversion Rate for Adult PIT Tag population grouped and tracked by lower project departure date within the selected period.

Departure Date Conversion Rate = total number of arrivals for fish based on Tag ID that departed lower project on date / total number of departures (not unique Tag ID) on date

Arrivals for all departure dates are updated daily throughout the year as fish arrive at the upper project. There is no date restriction on when the fish must arrive for inclusion. YTD Conversion Rate is calculated for unique Tag IDs.

Note: Delay, fallback, wander, harvest, and mortality can all contribute to daily and YTD Conversion Rate never reaching 100%.

example Daily Conversion Rate graph

Cumulative Passage at the upper project for Adult PIT Tag and Adult Visual Counts

Cumulative Passage at the upper project for Adult PIT Tag and Adult Visual Counts is presented at the end of the season for movement comparison of the two datasets. Cumulative passage percent is calculated for both Adult PIT Tag (PIT) and Adult Visual Count (VC) populations at the upper project. To compare the cumulative passage of both datasets, MAD (mean absolute difference) is calculated for the middle 95% of the YTD Adult PIT Tag passage at the upper project. For each day in the middle 95% of the Adult PIT Tag run, mean absolute difference (MADj) is calculated and summed and the number of days is tallied.

MADseason = (|(cumPassagePITj - cumPassageVCj)| )/ number of days

example Cumulative Passage at the upper project for Adult PIT Tag and Adult Visual Counts graph

Daily Distribution of Entry Hour at upper project

Daily Entry Hour Distribution of Adult PIT Tag population and Spill Percent at the upper project, by calendar date. Arrivals at the upper project are tracked on a daily basis for entry hour. For each day's population, the distribution of entry hour is calculated for the hour when 25%, 50%, and 75% have entered. There is a required minimum of 5 entries/day set for calculations.

example Daily Distribution of Entry Hour at upper project graph

Hourly Spill Percent and Tailrace TDG Percent

Hourly Spill Percent and Tailrace TDG Percent for the upper project queried from the DART database.

example Hourly Spill Percent and Tailrace TDG Percent at upper project graph

Upper Project Entry Hour

Entry hour distribution for Adult PIT Tag at the upper project for the whole period.

example Upper Project Entry Hour graph


The following are presented in the daily table (Daily Fish & Water) with a subset presented in the Running 3 Day table and in plots. The majority of analysis presented is tracked by departure date.

Adult PIT Tag Data for Fish Departing [lower], grouped by Departure Date

  • Departure Events [lower]: Departure events
  • [upper] Entry Events for Fish departing [lower]: Number of arrivals
  • Unique TagIDs [lower]: Unique Tag IDs in cohort. A difference between unique TagIDs and Departure Events indicates that 1 or more fish had a repeat ascent for the same date.
  • Fish departing [lower] on date with history of >1 ascents: Number of Tag IDs departing with multiple ascents, either on that date or prior dates.
  • %Fish departing [lower] on date with history of >1 ascents: Percent of Tag IDs departing with multiple ascents. The number departing with history >1 ascents divided by the number of Departure Events.
  • Cumulative Arrival Percent [upper] Calendar Days after [lower] Departure: Arrivals at upper project by calendar days after departure, which can range from 0 (fast fish in a short reach, e.g., 5/15/2018 LMN->LGS) to over 100.
    • Conversion Rate: number of arrivals / number of departure events.
      There is no date restriction on arrival date at the upper project; conversion rates (daily and YTD) are updated throughout the calendar year.
    Note: Delay, fallback, wander, harvest, and/or mortality can all contribute to daily and YTD Conversion Rate never reaching 100% and percent 'in route' never reaching 0%
  • Harmonic Mean Reach TT (travel time)
    • number of unique fish detected at the detection site / ( (1/reach travel time) )
    When dealing with travel times, we are primarily interested in the speed with which fish travel from point A to point B. The harmonic mean is a good statistic for describing a particular group's speed. A harmonic mean is used when working with rates of speed, usually the number of days to travel a set distance. A benefit to using the harmonic mean is that it is more robust in the presence of outliers (i.e., a very fast or slow fish).
  • Percent Not Arrived for period: Percent 'in route' (plot and running 3 day table).
    • (departure events - number of arrivals) / departure events

There are several additional parameters that are tracked and presented by calendar date.

Other Data by Calendar Date

  • Unique TagIDs Entry [upper] on calendar date for Fish departing [lower] during Period: Number of unique Tag IDs at upper project of the query-qualifying Tag IDs. This is the arrival distribution of the run as whole at the upper project by calendar date.
  • Adult Visual Counts: Adult visual counts for lower and upper projects.
  • MAD Adult PIT Tag and Visual Counts Cumulative Arrival % [upper] Cumulative Passage at the upper project for Adult PIT Tag and Adult Visual Counts is presented at the end of the season for movement comparison of the two datasets. Cumulative passage percent is calculated for both Adult PIT Tag (PIT) and Adult Visual Count (VC) populations at the upper project. To compare the cumulative passage of both datasets, MAD (mean absolute difference) is calculated for the middle 95% of the YTD Adult PIT Tag passage at the upper project. For each day in the middle 95% of the Adult PIT Tag run, mean absolute difference (MADj) is calculated and summed and the number of days is tallied.
    • MADseason = (|(cumPassagePITj - cumPassageVCj)| )/ number of days
  • [upper] Hour of 50% Entry for date: Entry hour when 50% of fish for the date arrived. For some ladders and level of spill, there can be a noticeable impact on entry hour.
  • [upper] River Conditions: Multiple parameters of river conditions at the upper project are presented from DART database.
    • Daily Averaged: Outflow, Spill, Spill%, Water Temperature (°C) tailrace, TDG (total dissolved gas) percent tailrace
    • Min Elevation, Max Elevation (based on hourly measures)
    • Hourly Spill percent and TDG percent (plot only)
  • [lower] TDG forebay: Total dissolved gas percent in the Forebay of the lower project.
  • Total Smolt Index [upper]: Total smolt index at the upper project for tracking presence of juvenile passage. Smolt Index is not reported at The Dalles or Ice Harbor.
  • Historical Statistics

    PIT Tagged Adult Reach Distribution End of Season Summary Results
    2024 Results are Incomplete and not included in Average Calculations
    2024 Results updated Daily: Sun Oct 6 07:31:08 2024
    PIT Tagged Sp/Su Chinook released as Juveniles at/above McNary, Detected as Adult at Lower Project 4/10-6/15
    Reach Year Harmonic TT (days) TT 90th Percentile (days) Conversion Rate
    (no harvest adjustment)
    MAD Middle 95% of run Detected at
    Lower Project
    Lower Snake 170601
    Salmon 170602
    Clearwater 170603
    Upper Columbia 1702
    Yakima 1703
    Obs Date
    Obs Date
    5 Pct
    Obs Date
    10 Pct
    Obs Date
    50 Pct
    Obs Date
    90 Pct
    Obs Date
    95 Pct
    BON-TDA Average 2.0 median 3.3
    range 2.2 - 4.7
    88.6 range 2.1 - 7.2 2214.4 12.1% 28.2% 19.2% 29.7% 10.2%  
    2024 1.8 2.7 92.7 3.7 2113 18.7% 24.1% 18.8% 30.6% 7.2% 04/12 04/25 04/29 05/13 06/11 06/13
    2023 2.1 3.9 89.2 4.7 2388 9.2% 26.4% 18.8% 38.7% 6.6% 04/12 04/30 05/04 05/19 06/12 06/14
    2022 2.1 3.6 88.3 3.0 2989 10.2% 30.7% 19.4% 32.6% 6.1% 04/15 04/26 04/28 05/14 06/08 06/11
    2021 1.8 2.9 91.0 6.0 1582 15.0% 29.5% 9.4% 35.9% 9.7% 04/13 04/28 04/30 05/17 06/10 06/13
    2020 2.1 3.5 89.0 7.2 1087 13.6% 24.6% 12.1% 39.0% 10.3% 04/10 04/29 05/01 05/22 06/11 06/14
    2019 2.0 3.3 87.8 3.7 1239 11.0% 23.2% 13.5% 41.4% 10.5% 04/14 05/01 05/03 05/18 06/12 06/14
    2018 2.4 4.7 84.6 4.2 1464 10.1% 27.0% 24.1% 28.3% 10.2% 04/15 05/02 05/05 05/20 06/09 06/12
    2017 2.5 4.3 83.1 3.7 1386 12.8% 25.8% 21.5% 25.2% 14.5% 04/17 05/04 05/06 05/23 06/09 06/12
    2016 1.8 2.8 89.4 4.2 2153 13.6% 31.6% 23.6% 20.9% 9.4% 04/10 04/23 04/29 05/12 06/09 06/12
    2015 1.6 2.2 90.4 3.4 3804 13.0% 35.3% 25.0% 17.4% 8.8% 04/10 04/18 04/19 05/07 06/09 06/12
    2014 2.1 3.2 87.6 2.1 3631 12.6% 31.2% 22.6% 19.1% 14.1% 04/10 04/20 04/25 05/09 06/08 06/12
    2013 2.0 3.0 93.7 2.9 2635 12.4% 25.3% 21.6% 28.0% 12.0% 04/10 04/26 04/27 05/13 06/12 06/14
    BON-MCN triple reach Average 6.2 median 9.85
    range 6.9 - 13.3
    82.1 range 1.3 - 9.5 2650.2 13.1% 30.0% 19.7% 26.2% 10.5%  
    2024 5.6 8.9 87.6 3.7 2113 18.7% 24.1% 18.8% 30.6% 7.2% 04/12 04/25 04/29 05/13 06/11 06/13
    2023 6.2 9.6 82.9 4.1 2388 9.2% 26.4% 18.8% 38.7% 6.6% 04/12 04/30 05/04 05/19 06/12 06/14
    2022 6.3 11.8 81.2 6.7 2989 10.2% 30.7% 19.4% 32.6% 6.1% 04/15 04/26 04/28 05/14 06/08 06/11
    2021 5.7 9.0 85.3 4.5 1579 15.0% 29.4% 9.4% 36.0% 9.8% 04/13 04/28 04/30 05/17 06/10 06/13
    2020 6.5 10.3 82.0 3.7 1087 13.6% 24.6% 12.1% 39.0% 10.3% 04/10 04/29 05/01 05/22 06/11 06/14
    2019 6.1 9.3 81.4 2.1 1239 11.0% 23.2% 13.5% 41.4% 10.5% 04/14 05/01 05/03 05/18 06/12 06/14
    2018 6.7 10.5 77.2 2.3 1463 10.1% 27.0% 24.1% 28.4% 10.2% 04/15 05/02 05/05 05/20 06/09 06/12
    2017 6.6 10.3 78.5 3.9 1386 12.8% 25.8% 21.5% 25.2% 14.5% 04/17 05/04 05/06 05/23 06/09 06/12
    2016 5.4 8.2 82.5 2.8 2153 13.6% 31.6% 23.6% 20.9% 9.4% 04/10 04/23 04/29 05/12 06/09 06/12
    2015 4.9 6.9 79.9 1.8 3803 12.9% 35.3% 25.0% 17.4% 8.8% 04/10 04/18 04/19 05/07 06/09 06/12
    2014 6.1 9.2 80.3 2.6 3631 12.6% 31.2% 22.6% 19.1% 14.1% 04/10 04/20 04/25 05/09 06/08 06/12
    2013 5.9 9.6 88.0 1.6 2635 12.4% 25.3% 21.6% 28.0% 12.0% 04/10 04/26 04/27 05/13 06/12 06/14
    2012 6.5 10.1 82.4 1.4 3149 15.9% 25.2% 27.3% 22.1% 8.6% 04/12 04/24 04/30 05/13 06/07 06/12
    2011 6.9 12.3 79.2 2.1 4707 19.5% 30.5% 23.3% 14.3% 11.5% 04/12 04/28 04/30 05/12 06/10 06/12
    2010 5.5 8.2 80.9 1.8 5395 18.0% 43.7% 16.9% 8.5% 11.8% 04/10 04/15 04/17 05/04 06/02 06/07
    2009 5.8 8.8 85.9 3.5 3925 17.9% 45.1% 19.2% 5.3% 12.2% 04/10 04/26 05/01 05/15 06/09 06/12
    2008 6.7 12.2 80.2 1.3 2773 13.1% 40.2% 29.9% 7.3% 9.2% 04/10 04/20 04/26 05/13 06/09 06/12
    2007 6.5 12.0 87.3 9.5 1415 10.2% 30.3% 17.0% 31.9% 9.4% 04/11 04/19 04/24 05/19 06/12 06/14
    2006 7.2 13.3 81.8 3.2 1987 7.1% 13.7% 9.0% 56.2% 13.4% 04/13 04/30 05/02 05/13 06/12 06/14
    TDA-JDA Average 1.2 median 3
    range 2.7 - 3.9
    93.9 range 2.8 - 7.4 1545.5 11.6% 27.4% 16.1% 35.1% 9.4%  
    2024 1.2 2.6 96.1 3.3 1964 19.9% 24.5% 18.7% 29.2% 7.1% 04/10 04/26 05/01 05/14 06/11 06/13
    2023 1.3 3.0 94.1 3.6 2060 9.6% 27.9% 17.7% 37.4% 7.1% 04/12 05/02 05/09 05/23 06/12 06/14
    2022 1.2 3.2 94.1 2.8 2593 10.2% 30.9% 19.5% 31.9% 6.3% 04/10 04/27 04/30 05/15 06/08 06/12
    2021 1.2 2.9 95.0 5.7 1438 14.7% 30.1% 10.0% 34.1% 10.6% 04/14 04/29 05/01 05/18 06/11 06/13
    2020 1.3 3.9 94.7 7.4 923 14.0% 25.1% 12.4% 37.4% 11.1% 04/13 04/30 05/03 05/21 06/10 06/13
    2019 1.2 3.0 92.7 4.8 1052 11.0% 24.2% 12.5% 40.5% 11.4% 04/20 05/04 05/06 05/20 06/12 06/14
    2018 1.2 2.7 92.7 4.6 1207 10.3% 26.3% 24.2% 29.1% 9.9% 04/12 05/05 05/07 05/23 06/10 06/12
    TDA-MCN double reach Average 3.8 median 6.1
    range 4.7 - 8.0
    92.3 range 1.6 - 5.8 1940.2 12.3% 28.4% 19.0% 29.1% 10.6%  
    2024 3.6 6.1 95.0 2.5 1964 19.9% 24.5% 18.7% 29.2% 7.1% 04/10 04/26 05/01 05/14 06/11 06/13
    2023 3.9 6.0 92.7 3.2 2060 9.6% 27.9% 17.7% 37.4% 7.1% 04/12 05/02 05/09 05/23 06/12 06/14
    2022 4.0 8.0 92.3 4.2 2593 10.2% 30.9% 19.5% 31.9% 6.3% 04/10 04/27 04/30 05/15 06/08 06/12
    2021 3.7 6.2 93.9 4.3 1438 14.7% 30.1% 10.0% 34.1% 10.6% 04/14 04/29 05/01 05/18 06/11 06/13
    2020 4.2 7.1 92.6 5.8 923 14.0% 25.1% 12.4% 37.4% 11.1% 04/13 04/30 05/03 05/21 06/10 06/13
    2019 3.8 6.2 93.0 3.7 1052 11.0% 24.2% 12.5% 40.5% 11.4% 04/20 05/04 05/06 05/20 06/12 06/14
    2018 3.9 6.1 90.7 3.6 1207 10.3% 26.3% 24.2% 29.1% 9.9% 04/12 05/05 05/07 05/23 06/10 06/12
    2017 3.8 6.0 93.5 5.2 1141 13.8% 25.4% 20.3% 25.0% 15.1% 04/16 05/07 05/11 05/26 06/09 06/12
    2016 3.5 5.7 92.2 3.9 1901 13.8% 32.0% 22.7% 20.8% 9.7% 04/10 04/27 05/01 05/14 06/09 06/12
    2015 3.2 4.7 89.0 1.6 3516 13.1% 34.6% 25.6% 17.1% 9.0% 04/10 04/19 04/21 05/05 06/09 06/13
    2014 3.7 6.1 91.8 3.4 3143 12.2% 30.5% 22.7% 19.9% 14.3% 04/10 04/24 04/28 05/11 06/09 06/12
    2013 3.6 6.3 93.9 4.7 2368 12.9% 25.9% 21.9% 26.7% 11.9% 04/12 04/27 04/29 05/13 06/12 06/14
    JDA-MCN Average 2.4 median 3.35
    range 3.3 - 4.0
    97.8 range 2.7 - 7.3 1380.7 12.0% 28.3% 16.7% 33.5% 9.1%  
    2024 2.3 3.3 98.2 2.6 1816 20.5% 24.3% 19.1% 28.4% 7.1% 04/13 04/28 05/03 05/15 06/11 06/13
    2023 2.3 3.3 97.6 3.3 1839 9.7% 28.5% 18.5% 35.7% 7.2% 04/14 05/05 05/11 05/24 06/12 06/14
    2022 2.5 4.0 97.4 2.7 2316 10.5% 32.0% 20.2% 29.8% 6.3% 04/15 04/29 05/01 05/16 06/07 06/11
    2021 2.3 3.3 98.9 4.9 1313 14.6% 31.1% 10.4% 33.1% 10.4% 04/10 05/01 05/02 05/18 06/11 06/13
    2020 2.5 3.7 97.4 3.0 819 14.7% 26.1% 12.9% 35.2% 11.0% 04/17 05/01 05/04 05/20 06/11 06/13
    2019 2.4 3.4 98.5 7.3 917 12.0% 25.0% 13.1% 39.4% 10.3% 04/19 05/05 05/07 05/20 06/10 06/13
    2018 2.4 3.3 96.9 5.3 1080 10.2% 26.9% 25.4% 27.9% 9.5% 04/15 05/06 05/09 05/24 06/10 06/13
    PIT Tagged Sp/Su Chinook released as Juveniles at/above Lower Granite with Unknown-run tagged at LWG in April and May in same year as release, Detected as Adult at Lower Project 4/3-6/20
    Reach Year Harmonic TT (days) TT 90th Percentile (days) Conversion Rate
    (no harvest adjustment)
    MAD Middle 95% of run Detected at
    Lower Project
    Lower Snake 170601
    Salmon 170602
    Clearwater 170603
    Upper Columbia 1702
    Yakima 1703
    Obs Date
    Obs Date
    5 Pct
    Obs Date
    10 Pct
    Obs Date
    50 Pct
    Obs Date
    90 Pct
    Obs Date
    95 Pct
    BON-LWG all reaches, snake only Average 14.0 median 22.7
    range 16.9 - 36.8
    76.1 range 1.1 - 8.8 2201.6 30.0% 42.9% 27.1% 0.0% 0.0%  
    2024 12.8 21.1 80.4 6.4 1236 22.7% 44.5% 32.8%     04/08 04/25 04/30 05/13 06/12 06/16
    2023 13.7 21.6 80.3 4.7 1331 15.4% 50.5% 34.1%     04/04 04/29 05/03 05/16 06/10 06/14
    2022 15.9 27.0 75.8 5.9 1871 17.5% 51.1% 31.3%     04/06 04/25 04/28 05/13 06/08 06/13
    2021 11.9 19.7 80.5 5.5 958 32.8% 51.4% 15.9%     04/07 04/28 04/30 05/15 06/11 06/16
    2020 15.2 24.0 77.0 4.8 677 39.0% 41.7% 19.4%     04/10 04/28 04/30 05/16 06/10 06/15
    2019 14.8 30.1 74.4 4.2 632 26.6% 46.8% 26.6%     04/06 04/30 05/02 05/13 06/07 06/13
    2018 14.8 24.1 72.7 6.3 946 18.1% 44.4% 37.5%     04/15 05/02 05/05 05/20 06/09 06/13
    2017 15.9 25.0 73.0 3.8 868 21.5% 43.3% 35.1%     04/07 05/04 05/05 05/23 06/09 06/14
    2016 11.8 19.5 76.9 4.5 1653 25.7% 42.8% 31.5%     04/03 04/22 04/29 05/11 06/08 06/12
    2015 11.3 16.9 72.5 6.0 3139 22.9% 46.0% 31.2%     04/03 04/17 04/19 05/09 06/11 06/16
    2014 13.1 20.7 74.8 3.5 2697 24.3% 44.4% 31.3%     04/03 04/20 04/24 05/09 06/10 06/14
    2013 12.1 19.0 83.3 3.0 1789 27.1% 40.6% 32.3%     04/03 04/24 04/26 05/10 06/12 06/16
    2012 13.4 21.7 75.1 2.2 2658 36.2% 31.5% 32.3%     04/09 04/23 04/26 05/12 06/07 06/14
    2011 17.5 36.8 70.1 2.2 4541 42.5% 33.4% 24.1%     04/03 04/27 04/30 05/12 06/12 06/16
    2010 14.1 21.7 74.2 1.7 6240 45.3% 39.9% 14.8%     04/03 04/15 04/17 05/06 06/08 06/15
    2009 12.4 19.6 80.7 1.1 4439 40.4% 42.5% 17.1%     04/03 04/26 05/01 05/17 06/13 06/16
    2008 15.3 24.2 76.1 1.4 3438 40.9% 34.8% 24.3%     04/03 04/19 04/26 05/13 06/12 06/16
    2007 13.4 23.7 80.9 4.3 1054 32.5% 44.6% 22.9%     04/04 04/20 04/25 05/15 06/12 06/17
    2006 16.1 30.1 71.9 8.8 698 31.9% 42.4% 25.6%     04/24 04/30 05/04 05/15 06/13 06/16
    BON-MCN triple reach, snake only Average 6.0 median 9.3
    range 7.0 - 12.7
    80.4 range 1.5 - 15.5 2202.1 30.0% 42.9% 27.1% 0.0% 0.0%  
    2024 5.4 8.8 85.8 3.7 1236 22.7% 44.5% 32.8%     04/08 04/25 04/30 05/13 06/12 06/16
    2023 6.2 9.7 82.0 5.6 1331 15.4% 50.5% 34.1%     04/04 04/29 05/03 05/16 06/10 06/14
    2022 6.1 9.9 80.3 3.0 1871 17.5% 51.1% 31.3%     04/06 04/25 04/28 05/13 06/08 06/13
    2021 5.4 8.4 84.4 9.1 959 32.7% 51.4% 15.8%     04/07 04/28 04/30 05/15 06/11 06/16
    2020 6.1 9.1 80.8 15.5 677 39.0% 41.7% 19.4%     04/10 04/28 04/30 05/16 06/10 06/15
    2019 5.9 9.2 78.0 13.3 632 26.6% 46.8% 26.6%     04/06 04/30 05/02 05/13 06/07 06/13
    2018 6.5 10.0 76.2 8.2 946 18.1% 44.4% 37.5%     04/15 05/02 05/05 05/20 06/09 06/13
    2017 6.3 9.4 76.7 9.6 868 21.5% 43.3% 35.1%     04/07 05/04 05/05 05/23 06/09 06/14
    2016 5.4 8.6 81.4 8.6 1653 25.7% 42.8% 31.5%     04/03 04/22 04/29 05/11 06/08 06/12
    2015 4.9 7.0 77.7 1.8 3139 22.9% 46.0% 31.2%     04/03 04/17 04/19 05/09 06/11 06/16
    2014 5.8 8.9 77.9 6.2 2697 24.3% 44.4% 31.3%     04/03 04/20 04/24 05/09 06/10 06/14
    2013 5.6 9.0 86.7 10.3 1789 27.1% 40.6% 32.3%     04/03 04/24 04/26 05/10 06/12 06/16
    2012 6.4 9.9 80.3 4.7 2661 36.2% 31.5% 32.4%     04/09 04/23 04/26 05/12 06/07 06/14
    2011 6.8 12.1 76.6 1.6 4546 42.5% 33.3% 24.2%     04/03 04/27 04/30 05/12 06/12 06/15
    2010 5.5 8.6 79.0 1.5 6240 45.3% 39.9% 14.8%     04/03 04/15 04/17 05/05 06/08 06/15
    2009 5.7 8.9 85.0 3.4 4439 40.4% 42.5% 17.1%     04/03 04/26 05/01 05/17 06/13 06/16
    2008 6.6 12.1 79.3 2.7 3438 40.9% 34.8% 24.3%     04/03 04/19 04/26 05/13 06/12 06/16
    2007 5.9 10.2 86.1 4.2 1054 32.5% 44.6% 22.9%     04/04 04/20 04/25 05/15 06/12 06/17
    2006 6.9 12.7 79.4 6.3 698 31.9% 42.4% 25.6%     04/24 04/30 05/04 05/15 06/13 06/16
    MCN-IHR, snake only Average 1.8 median 3.75
    range 2.3 - 6.1
    96.4 range 1.1 - 7.0 1682.4 29.5% 42.9% 27.6% 0.0% 0.0%  
    2024 1.8 3.4 94.3 3.6 1048 23.1% 43.7% 33.2%     04/18 05/01 05/06 05/17 06/14 06/17
    2023 1.9 5.0 94.9 5.4 1058 15.5% 52.2% 32.3%     04/09 05/08 05/14 05/26 06/15 06/18
    2022 2.1 6.1 95.2 2.8 1448 17.1% 51.6% 31.4%     04/05 05/01 05/03 05/17 06/10 06/15
    2021 1.5 2.3 98.3 4.3 786 30.7% 52.4% 16.9%     04/13 05/03 05/04 05/20 06/13 06/16
    2020 1.9 3.9 96.7 4.4 516 37.0% 42.6% 20.3%     04/20 05/03 05/06 05/20 06/12 06/16
    2019 1.7 3.0 98.4 2.8 487 26.7% 48.7% 24.6%     04/18 05/07 05/09 05/20 06/12 06/16
    2018 2.0 3.8 97.1 7.0 700 18.9% 42.6% 38.6%     05/02 05/10 05/12 05/27 06/13 06/16
    2017 2.0 4.0 95.7 4.9 646 22.0% 44.3% 33.7%     05/05 05/12 05/14 05/29 06/13 06/16
    2016 1.6 2.9 97.4 3.4 1299 26.8% 42.1% 31.1%     04/08 04/30 05/05 05/15 06/12 06/15
    2015 1.5 2.9 98.0 3.8 2429 22.1% 44.3% 33.6%     04/05 04/22 04/24 05/07 06/13 06/16
    2014 1.8 3.3 97.6 3.1 2014 23.7% 43.5% 32.7%     04/04 04/28 05/01 05/14 06/12 06/16
    2013 1.6 3.0 97.9 3.4 1457 26.6% 40.2% 33.2%     04/03 04/30 05/02 05/15 06/14 06/18
    2012 1.8 3.1 96.4 1.4 2077 35.7% 30.3% 33.9%     04/19 05/06 05/11 05/18 06/09 06/14
    2011 2.1 4.8 90.4 1.5 3197 39.0% 32.7% 28.3%     04/20 05/04 05/06 05/16 06/15 06/17
    2010 1.8 4.2 96.2 3.1 4738 45.6% 39.8% 14.6%     04/03 04/21 04/23 05/10 06/09 06/14
    2009 1.7 3.7 96.2 1.1 3564 39.3% 43.2% 17.5%     04/16 05/05 05/08 05/21 06/15 06/17
    2008 2.0 5.1 96.8 2.2 2502 40.7% 35.5% 23.9%     04/06 04/28 05/04 05/19 06/16 06/18
    2007 1.7 3.0 97.6 6.7 869 32.7% 43.3% 24.1%     04/18 04/29 05/02 05/18 06/13 06/17
    2006 1.9 3.8 94.8 4.8 496 30.4% 43.5% 26.0%     05/01 05/08 05/11 05/20 06/15 06/17
    IHR-LMN Average 1.4 median 2.5
    range 2.0 - 5.7
    98.5 range 1.4 - 6.3 1072.2 24.1% 45.8% 30.2% 0.0% 0.0%  
    2024 1.5 4.1 98.4 5.1 973 22.7% 43.9% 33.4%     04/20 05/04 05/07 05/18 06/14 06/17
    2023 1.4 3.0 99.2 4.3 989 15.6% 52.1% 32.4%     04/18 05/11 05/16 05/30 06/15 06/18
    2022 1.9 5.7 96.9 1.4 1221 16.9% 48.2% 35.0%     04/07 05/03 05/04 05/17 06/07 06/09
    2021 1.2 2.1 99.9 3.7 754 30.5% 52.3% 17.2%     04/04 05/04 05/06 05/21 06/13 06/16
    2020 1.7 4.7 98.0 4.6 488 36.5% 42.6% 20.9%     04/22 05/04 05/07 05/24 06/13 06/15
    2019 1.2 2.2 98.7 5.1 474 27.6% 47.5% 24.9%     04/25 05/09 05/11 05/22 06/12 06/15
    2018 1.4 2.8 98.3 6.3 666 18.5% 42.5% 39.0%     05/03 05/12 05/14 05/28 06/13 06/17
    2017 1.5 3.1 97.5 4.2 611 22.4% 43.4% 34.2%     05/06 05/15 05/20 05/30 06/14 06/18
    2016 1.1 2.0 98.6 4.7 1252 27.1% 41.6% 31.3%     04/10 05/02 05/06 05/17 06/12 06/16
    2015 1.2 2.1 99.2 2.7 2327 22.0% 44.1% 33.9%     04/07 04/23 04/25 05/08 06/12 06/16
    2014 1.2 2.1 99.1 3.2 1940 23.6% 43.4% 33.1%     04/09 04/30 05/03 05/15 06/13 06/17
    IHR-GOA double reach Average 3.4 median 7.75
    range 4.5 - 16.6
    97.4 range 1.9 - 4.9 1061.0 24.0% 45.7% 30.3% 0.0% 0.0%  
    2024 3.3 8.3 97.3 3.9 973 22.7% 43.9% 33.4%     04/20 05/04 05/07 05/18 06/14 06/17
    2023 3.1 7.0 98.7 4.5 989 15.6% 52.1% 32.4%     04/18 05/11 05/16 05/30 06/15 06/18
    2022 4.4 12.6 96.1 4.6 1221 16.9% 48.2% 35.0%     04/07 05/03 05/04 05/17 06/07 06/09
    2021 3.0 7.0 97.6 3.9 754 30.5% 52.3% 17.2%     04/04 05/04 05/06 05/21 06/13 06/16
    2020 4.2 9.9 96.5 3.8 488 36.5% 42.6% 20.9%     04/22 05/04 05/07 05/24 06/13 06/15
    2019 4.0 16.6 96.8 4.4 474 27.6% 47.5% 24.9%     04/25 05/09 05/11 05/22 06/12 06/15
    2018 3.5 8.5 97.4 4.9 666 18.5% 42.5% 39.0%     05/03 05/12 05/14 05/28 06/13 06/17
    2017 4.0 11.2 98.5 2.6 611 22.4% 43.4% 34.2%     05/06 05/15 05/20 05/30 06/14 06/18
    2016 2.6 5.2 97.7 3.8 1252 27.1% 41.6% 31.3%     04/10 05/02 05/06 05/17 06/12 06/16
    2015 2.5 4.5 96.7 1.9 2215 21.4% 43.5% 35.1%     04/07 04/23 04/25 05/06 06/06 06/13
    2014 3.0 6.5 98.4 3.3 1940 23.6% 43.4% 33.1%     04/09 04/30 05/03 05/15 06/13 06/17
    IHR-LWG triple reach Average 5.2 median 10.65
    range 7.0 - 24.0
    96.3 range 0.9 - 6.5 1579.8 29.5% 42.6% 27.9% 0.0% 0.0%  
    2024 4.8 9.8 97.1 4.6 973 22.7% 43.9% 33.4%     04/20 05/04 05/07 05/18 06/14 06/17
    2023 4.5 9.0 98.6 4.8 989 15.6% 52.1% 32.4%     04/18 05/11 05/16 05/30 06/15 06/18
    2022 6.4 14.5 95.2 2.7 1221 16.9% 48.2% 35.0%     04/07 05/03 05/04 05/17 06/07 06/09
    2021 4.4 8.8 96.8 4.6 754 30.5% 52.3% 17.2%     04/04 05/04 05/06 05/21 06/13 06/16
    2020 6.2 12.4 95.9 4.1 488 36.5% 42.6% 20.9%     04/22 05/04 05/07 05/24 06/13 06/15
    2019 5.8 18.1 95.6 4.8 474 27.6% 47.5% 24.9%     04/25 05/09 05/11 05/22 06/12 06/15
    2018 5.3 10.8 96.8 6.5 666 18.5% 42.5% 39.0%     05/03 05/12 05/14 05/28 06/13 06/17
    2017 6.4 14.5 96.1 5.4 611 22.4% 43.4% 34.2%     05/06 05/15 05/20 05/30 06/14 06/18
    2016 4.1 7.7 96.8 4.0 1252 27.1% 41.6% 31.3%     04/10 05/02 05/06 05/17 06/12 06/16
    2015 4.3 7.6 96.7 4.1 2327 22.0% 44.1% 33.9%     04/07 04/23 04/25 05/08 06/12 06/16
    2014 4.7 9.0 97.9 3.5 1940 23.6% 43.4% 33.1%     04/09 04/30 05/03 05/15 06/13 06/17
    2013 4.3 7.0 98.0 1.6 1388 26.7% 39.7% 33.6%     04/06 05/02 05/04 05/16 06/14 06/17
    2012 4.5 8.1 96.2 0.9 1979 36.1% 30.0% 34.0%     04/21 05/08 05/12 05/20 06/10 06/15
    2011 6.6 24.0 93.3 2.4 2820 38.9% 33.2% 28.0%     04/04 05/06 05/07 05/18 06/16 06/18
    2010 5.4 11.9 96.1 1.7 4542 45.5% 39.9% 14.6%     04/04 04/22 04/26 05/12 06/14 06/17
    2009 4.3 7.3 96.1 1.7 3366 39.0% 43.2% 17.8%     04/18 05/06 05/09 05/22 06/15 06/18
    2008 5.3 10.9 97.2 4.5 2325 40.2% 34.9% 24.9%     04/08 04/30 05/06 05/20 06/15 06/18
    2007 4.8 10.5 94.9 3.4 840 32.4% 43.7% 23.9%     04/19 05/01 05/04 05/20 06/14 06/18
    2006 5.4 12.4 95.8 5.8 454 31.7% 44.1% 24.2%     04/27 05/10 05/12 05/27 06/16 06/18
    LMN-LGS Average 1.6 median 5.6
    range 2.8 - 14.0
    98.0 range 1.8 - 6.1 1035.9 23.7% 45.6% 30.7% 0.0% 0.0%  
    2024 1.4 4.6 97.7 2.4 943 22.6% 43.6% 33.8%     04/06 05/07 05/10 05/19 06/15 06/17
    2023 1.4 3.8 99.2 3.4 993 15.2% 52.2% 32.6%     04/20 05/13 05/17 05/31 06/15 06/18
    2022 1.8 6.6 97.1 6.1 1156 16.9% 47.9% 35.2%     04/10 05/05 05/07 05/20 06/08 06/13
    2021 1.5 5.1 97.7 3.7 749 30.6% 51.9% 17.5%     04/07 05/05 05/07 05/22 06/13 06/17
    2020 1.9 6.1 97.3 3.4 482 36.9% 41.9% 21.2%     04/24 05/06 05/08 05/28 06/14 06/17
    2019 2.3 14.0 97.2 3.7 468 27.1% 47.9% 25.0%     04/28 05/10 05/12 05/24 06/13 06/16
    2018 1.7 6.2 97.7 4.2 645 18.4% 41.7% 39.8%     05/05 05/13 05/16 05/30 06/13 06/17
    2017 2.0 9.2 99.0 1.8 598 21.9% 43.5% 34.6%     05/08 05/16 05/21 06/01 06/15 06/18
    2016 1.2 3.3 98.0 3.0 1216 26.6% 41.9% 31.5%     04/12 05/04 05/07 05/18 06/12 06/16
    2015 1.2 2.8 98.3 3.9 2154 21.0% 43.1% 35.8%     04/04 04/24 04/27 05/07 06/06 06/12
    2014 1.5 4.1 98.6 2.3 1898 22.8% 43.6% 33.6%     04/12 05/02 05/04 05/16 06/12 06/17
    LMN-LWG double reach Average 3.4 median 7.85
    range 5.8 - 16.4
    97.1 range 2.5 - 5.5 1047.6 23.8% 45.6% 30.6% 0.0% 0.0%  
    2024 2.9 6.0 97.5 3.2 943 22.6% 43.6% 33.8%     04/06 05/07 05/10 05/19 06/15 06/17
    2023 2.9 5.9 99.0 3.8 993 15.2% 52.2% 32.6%     04/20 05/13 05/17 05/31 06/15 06/18
    2022 3.8 9.0 96.1 4.1 1156 16.9% 47.9% 35.2%     04/10 05/05 05/07 05/20 06/08 06/13
    2021 2.9 6.9 97.1 4.2 749 30.6% 51.9% 17.5%     04/07 05/05 05/07 05/22 06/13 06/17
    2020 3.9 8.8 96.9 3.7 482 36.9% 41.9% 21.2%     04/24 05/06 05/08 05/28 06/14 06/17
    2019 4.2 16.4 95.5 3.9 468 27.1% 47.9% 25.0%     04/28 05/10 05/12 05/24 06/13 06/16
    2018 3.5 8.8 97.2 5.5 645 18.4% 41.7% 39.8%     05/05 05/13 05/16 05/30 06/13 06/17
    2017 4.3 11.9 96.5 4.1 598 21.9% 43.5% 34.6%     05/08 05/16 05/21 06/01 06/15 06/18
    2016 2.8 5.9 97.1 3.1 1216 26.6% 41.9% 31.5%     04/12 05/04 05/07 05/18 06/12 06/16
    2015 2.9 5.8 97.3 3.1 2271 21.8% 43.8% 34.5%     04/04 04/24 04/27 05/09 06/12 06/17
    2014 3.2 6.9 98.2 2.5 1898 22.8% 43.6% 33.6%     04/12 05/02 05/04 05/16 06/12 06/17
    LGS-LWG Average 1.4 median 2.6
    range 1.9 - 3.5
    98.8 range 1.3 - 5.0 982.3 23.4% 45.3% 31.4% 0.0% 0.0%  
    2024 1.2 2.0 99.3 3.7 883 22.5% 43.5% 34.0%     04/08 05/09 05/12 05/20 06/15 06/19
    2023 1.2 1.9 99.3 4.3 946 14.9% 51.8% 33.3%     04/24 05/15 05/19 06/01 06/15 06/18
    2022 1.5 2.8 97.8 1.4 1102 17.0% 47.4% 35.7%     04/12 05/07 05/08 05/21 06/10 06/18
    2021 1.2 1.9 99.1 5.0 697 30.4% 51.9% 17.6%     04/10 05/07 05/09 05/22 06/14 06/17
    2020 1.5 2.4 98.9 3.3 455 35.4% 43.3% 21.3%     04/27 05/09 05/11 05/31 06/16 06/18
    2019 1.3 1.9 98.6 2.4 415 27.5% 45.5% 27.0%     05/01 05/12 05/14 05/29 06/15 06/17
    2018 1.4 2.4 99.5 5.0 583 17.7% 41.0% 41.3%     05/07 05/14 05/17 06/01 06/13 06/15
    2017 1.6 3.5 97.1 3.1 556 21.2% 44.1% 34.7%     05/10 05/19 05/23 06/06 06/16 06/18
    2016 1.4 2.8 99.0 2.8 1165 26.4% 41.4% 32.2%     04/13 05/06 05/08 05/19 06/12 06/16
    2015 1.5 3.2 99.2 1.5 2108 21.0% 43.1% 36.0%     04/08 04/26 04/28 05/10 06/07 06/12
    2014 1.4 2.8 99.5 1.3 1796 22.2% 43.2% 34.6%     04/14 05/04 05/06 05/17 06/11 06/16